Current Vacant Positions

In case of any questions on the jobs offered or if you need technical support for your online application, we are ready to help you any time.

Job-ID Job title Organizational Unit
2321 2 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen
Institute for Austrian and European Public Law
Institute for Austrian and European Public Law
2308 Chief Information Officer (CIO)
2325 Drittmittelfinanzierte*r Projektmitarbeiter*in (prae doc)
Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law
Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law
2313 Fachreferent*in und Data Steward Sozialwissenschaften
University Library
University Library
1923 Full Professor of Global Business, part-time (pursuant to § 99 UG 2002)
Department of Global Business and Trade
Department of Global Business and Trade
2319 Institutsmanager*in
Institute for Civil Law and Civil Procedure
Institute for Civil Law and Civil Procedure
2322 Institutsmanager*in
Institute for Social Change and Sustainability
Institute for Social Change and Sustainability
2320 Kommunikationsmanager*in Studierendenkommunikation
Study Recruiting and Admission
Study Recruiting and Admission
2305 Office Mitarbeiter*in Academic Office
WU Executive Academy
WU Executive Academy
2306 Organisationsentwickler*in
Personnel Development & Planning Office
Personnel Development & Planning Office
2329 Programm Organisator*in
WU Executive Academy
WU Executive Academy
2307 Project staff member post doc
Institute for Cognition & Behavior
Institute for Cognition & Behavior
2315 Senior Scientist post doc
Competence Center for Experimental Research
Competence Center for Experimental Research
2314 Spezialist*in Förderberatung
Research Service Center
Research Service Center
2311 Stabstelle Senior Faculty Recruitment Welcome Services und Project Steering Office
Rectors Office
Rectors Office
2316 wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in
Tax Management Group
Tax Management Group
2287 Universitätsassistent*in prae doc
Institute for Nonprofit Management and Governance
Institute for Nonprofit Management and Governance
2301 Teaching and Research Associate
Department of Economics
Department of Economics
2303 Teaching and Research Associate
Institute for Data, Process and Knowledge Management
Institute for Data, Process and Knowledge Management
2318 Universitätsassistent*in prae doc
Tax Management Group
Tax Management Group
2326 Teaching and Research Associate
Institute for Spatial and Social-Ecological Transformation (ISSET)
Institute for Spatial and Social-Ecological Transformation (ISSET)
2327 Universitätsassistent*in prae doc
Institute for Austrian and European Labor Law and Social Security Law
Institute for Austrian and European Labor Law and Social Security Law
2292 Tutor*in
Department of Private Law
Department of Private Law
2317 Tutor*in
Department of Economics
Department of Economics
2312 Tutor*in zur Unterstützung des Outgoing Exchange- und Partnerschaften Teams
International Office
International Office
2302 Universitätsassistent*in prae doc
Institute for Information Management and Control
Institute for Information Management and Control
2309 Universitätsassistent*in prae doc
Financial Accounting and Auditing Group
Financial Accounting and Auditing Group
2310 wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in
Institute for Economic and Social History
Institute for Economic and Social History
2323 wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in
Financial Accounting and Auditing Group
Financial Accounting and Auditing Group