Current Vacant Positions

In case of any questions on the jobs offered or if you need technical support for your online application, we are ready to help you any time.

Job-ID Job title Organizational Unit
2232 2 wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter*innen
Accounting, Taxation and Auditing Group
Accounting, Taxation and Auditing Group
2229 eDeveloper*in
Department of Management
Department of Management
2210 Fachreferent*in Forschungsservice
Research Service Center
Research Service Center
2199 Institutssekretär*in
Institute for Digital Marketing and Behavioral Insights
Institute for Digital Marketing and Behavioral Insights
2213 Junior Programm Manager*in, Schwerpunkt Executive Education
WU Executive Academy
WU Executive Academy
2212 Jurist*in Studienrecht
Study Regulations & Credit Transfer
Study Regulations & Credit Transfer
2223 Organisationsentwickler*in
Personnel Development & Planning Office
Personnel Development & Planning Office
2226 Programmkoordinator*in
Department of Marketing
Department of Marketing
2236 Programmkoordinator*in
Department Office Economics
Department Office Economics
2235 Sekretär*in
Department Office Economics
Department Office Economics
2211 Spezialist*in e-Ressourcenmanagement Fachdatenbanken
eResources and Serials
eResources and Serials
2192 Teaching and Research Associate
Institute for Organization Design
Institute for Organization Design
2216 Universitätsassistent*in prae doc
Education Sciences
Education Sciences
2227 Universitätsassistent*in prae doc
Accounting, Taxation and Auditing Group
Accounting, Taxation and Auditing Group
2228 Teaching and Research Associate
Institute for Slavic Languages
Institute for Slavic Languages
2233 Teaching and Research Associate
Institute for Spatial and Social-Ecological Transformatio
Institute for Spatial and Social-Ecological Transformatio
2222 Teamleiter*in Kommunikation
Marketing & Communication
Marketing & Communication
2183 Universitätsassistent*in prae doc
Institute for Strategic Management and Management Control
Institute for Strategic Management and Management Control
2188 Universitätsassistent*in prae doc
Institute for European and International Law
Institute for European and International Law
2225 wissenschaftliche*r Mitarbeiter*in
Institute for Information Systems and Society
Institute for Information Systems and Society